Level up your legal career: An in-depth guide for qualified lawyers

Level up your legal career: An in-depth guide for qualified lawyers

Career AdviceWorking in Legal

I recently posted on LinkedIn about "levelling up" your legal career. Several great conversations followed, so I thought I’d expand on the points. Being a lawyer can be tough but rewarding. Progression requires more than just hard work; it requires strategy, relationship building, and being proactive. Here’s the full guide to "levelling up" your legal career with practical tips and real-life examples.

Find a Mentor: Learn from the Best

One of the most important things you can do in your legal career is find a mentor. An experienced lawyer can offer advice, share their experiences, and help you avoid mistakes. Think of it like having a legal Yoda—minus the green skin and cryptic grammar.
Mentorship isn’t just about career advancement; it’s about personal development. A mentor can help you hone your skills, build your confidence, and navigate the legal landscape. Don’t be afraid to approach potential mentors within your firm or through professional bodies like The Law Society or regional law societies.

Create a Flexible Career Plan: Be Adaptable

The legal profession is changing, and so should your career plan. While it’s good to set goals, flexibility is key. Be open to new opportunities and willing to change direction when needed. Reassess your goals regularly and adjust your plan to reflect your evolving interests and the changing legal landscape.

A flexible career plan allows you to:

  • Respond to changes in the industry
  • Adapt to new technologies
  • Explore emerging practice areas

Being adaptable can help you seize opportunities that align with your strengths and interests.

Know the Promotion Criteria: Understand the Ladder

Clarity on what it takes to get promoted is essential. Each firm has its own criteria, which may include billable hours, client development, or leadership roles. Make sure you know what those are and work towards them actively.

  • Talk to your supervisors: Find out what they value most.
  • Focus your efforts: Ensure you’re ready for the next level.
  • Regular check-ins: Stay on track and seek advice on improvement.
  • Build your internal network: Connections Count

In the legal world, who you know can at times be as important as what you know. Building strong internal relationships can provide support, open doors, and create opportunities for advancement. Internal networking isn’t just about socialising; it’s about creating a support system.

  • Attend firm events: Engage with colleagues.
  • Join committees: Get involved and contribute.
  • Collaborate: Find ways to work with colleagues.

These connections can lead to mentorship, sponsorship, and advocacy within the firm, increasing your visibility and reputation.

Take Opportunities: Show Off Your Skills

Don’t be afraid of diverse opportunities within your firm. Volunteering for different projects, committees, or pro bono work can demonstrate your range and commitment. Variety in your experience broadens your skillset and makes you more visible in the firm.
Look for opportunities that:

  • Challenge you
  • Allow you to develop new skills

For example, a junior lawyer I know recently took the initiative to organise a quarterly networking event supporting incubator businesses in the local area. Despite being only two years qualified, they managed to generate their own work and introduce several clients to the firm. Although not expected of them, this kind of proactive behaviour demonstrates the qualities of a partner.

This proactive approach will set you apart from your peers and highlight your leadership potential.

Seek Feedback: Continuous Learning

Feedback is key to professional development. Ask for constructive feedback and use it to improve your performance. Feedback can come from peers, supervisors, and clients. Be open to feedback and see it as an opportunity to improve yourself.

  • Act on feedback: Show your commitment to continuous improvement.
  • Demonstrate dedication: Aim for excellence and growth.
  • Keep Relationships: Long-term success

In the legal profession, maintaining relationships is key to long-term success. Nurture relationships with clients, colleagues, and mentors even after they’re no longer in your immediate circle. Building and maintaining relationships takes effort and genuine interest.

  • Stay connected: Regular check-ins, networking events, and social media.
  • Build relationships: Effort and genuine interest.

These relationships can lead to referrals, job opportunities, and valuable advice throughout your career. Consistent engagement with your network will keep you relevant and supported in your professional journey.

Be Proactive: Take Control of Your Career

At the end of the day, the responsibility for your career advancement is yours. Take control of your journey with confidence and enthusiasm. Proactivity means not waiting for opportunities to come to you but going out and finding them when you need to.

  • Growth mindset: Stay up-to-date with industry trends.
  • Seek development: Professional opportunities and stepping out of your comfort zone.

Your proactivity will set you apart and propel your career forward.

Don’t Be Defeated by Setbacks: Explore the Legal Market

Not getting a promotion isn’t the end of the world. It’s easy to feel deflated, but remember the legal market is huge and full of opportunities. Sometimes the best way to accelerate your career is to look beyond your current firm. Many lawyers find that moving to a different firm can provide the progression and recognition they are looking for.

The legal market offers many ways to add value and find roles that align more closely with your career goals. Whether it’s a boutique firm that gives you more client contact, an in-house role that provides a different perspective, or an international opportunity that broadens your horizons, there’s plenty out there. Use setbacks as an opportunity to reassess and explore these options.


Levelling up your legal career is a combination of strategy, relationship building, and proactivity. By finding a mentor, creating a flexible career plan, understanding promotion criteria, building your internal network, taking on diverse opportunities, seeking feedback, maintaining relationships, taking control of your career, and being open to exploring the wider legal market, you can navigate the legal profession and achieve your career goals. Remember, your career is a journey, and with the right approach, you can make it a successful one.

For a confidential discussion, please contact Lee Walker at Chadwick Nott.

(t) 020 3096 4423
(m) 0786 703 9975
(e) leewalker@chadwicknott.co.uk